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Roof Tent Camping and the Scottish Outdoor Access Code

In Scotland, you can enter onto most land to enjoy the outdoors so long as you behave responsibly. This is termed as "Scottish Access Rights" and while accessing these rights you must follow the Scottish Outdoor Access Code

Behaving Responsibly - The Access Code says:

  • Take responsibility for your own actions and take care for your own safety and that of any children with you

  • Respect people's privacy and peace of mind, do not act as a nuisance or annoyance to others

  • Help land managers and others to work safely and effectively by keeping clear of land management operations. Leave gates as you find them

  • Care for your environment and take your litter away with you.

  • Keep your dog under proper control . Take special care if near livestock, or during the bird breeding season, and always pick up after your dog.

Litter - The Access Code says: Take away all of your litter. Do not leave any food scraps or associated packaging as these might be eaten by animals and help to spread disease. To keep our countryside as we would all wish to find it, set yourself the challenge of leaving no trace of your visit.

Beaches - The Access Code says: Access rights extend to beaches and the foreshore. Follow any local guidance and ensure you do not disturb any nesting birds or wildlife Camping - The Access Code says: Access rights extend to wild camping. This type of camping is lightweight, done in small numbers and only for two or three nights in any one place. Remember to "Leave No Trace" by taking away all of your litter and removing all traces of your tent pitch / open fire and not causing any pollution.

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